Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Writing Update # 3

I have a confession to make I failed Camp NaNoWriMo and I really wanted to make it work, but July wasn't a good month for writing or anything really. I did read 7 books in the month of July which was great. I do have some updates on my writing life that I would like to share with my lovely readers.

First, I came up with some new ideas. Is there other people who always have ideas flowing in their head? Because I can come up with ideas out of the blue and it's really hard to focus on what I want to write. Sometimes I wish that Alexander Hamilton could teach me how to write like I'm running out time, but I'm okay with taking my time on the my WIP because I don't want the manuscript to feel like I'm rushing it.

Second, is that I'm rewriting the beginning of my story because it feels like it was rushed and I didn't have my main character voice developed enough. Now that I rewritten the first chapter everything else seems to flow a lot better, though I still have four more chapters to fix. The reason this even became an issue was that I wrote the first chapter when I didn't know how I wanted it to go, so I pushed through it. Don't get me wrong pushing through that writer's block really works, but it threw the whole story off. I'm happy that I caught this problem now because now rather than later. I'm also fixing my issue of being an underwriter. Another thing that I'm really working on is showing instead of telling. I noticed that I'm horrible at telling rather than showing. To add on to the list of my improvements is editing. In real life my grammar sucks and sometimes my brain works faster than what I say and or write, to fix this I been trying to crack down on editing my posts before I post them.

The next thing I wanted to update everyone on is I started doing a brain dump on a different idea. My main goal of this is try to find a way that works for me when it comes to planning out a novel. I have tablet that has all the basics of the story in it. I will be also adding things as I go long, like having character profiles and everything else in this high fantasy world that needs to make this world just as believable as real one. I'm love with creating this whole new world from scratch and I think its a lot of fun.

How's everyone WIP doing? I hope everyone's writing life is doing good and that you all are making progress on your novels. Stay in tune for mor writing posts in the future. Remember keep looking for your Once Upon A Time.

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