Friday, July 1, 2016

Writing Update #2

    Camp NaNoWriMo starts today!!!!!!! I will be working on my WIP Goddess Warefare. I'm hoping that Camp NaNoWriMo will give me that extra push of motivation to really start working on it. This is my first time participating in something like NaNoWriMo so I'm excited about that. I do have tons of things to update you on about it so lets jump into the post.

  I started the month off with 4,322 words, well I about to reach 14,000 words and that's really great. I really didn't want to redo the beginning until I was finished with the whole draft, but I felt that everything was getting off track and going off the deep end, most of the stuff I wrote out of writers blocked. I sent the first five chapters to a twitter buddy unedited, it wasn't until I was writing the sixth chapter that I realized how unfocused and off paced it is. I restarted the beginning and I'm following the outline to a t now. Originally, I thought the outline was stretching it too much and making it way too detailed, but that I can handle. I can't have the beginning off paced and then a huge chunk on pace, this was making it really hard for me to write.

 Now that I'm working out the confusion of the beginning, everything seems to be fitting in perfectly together and I'm really happy about that. My word count goal for Camp NaNoWriMo is 100,000 words if I don't make it to that in the month of July then I'm fine with that. My main goal is just to trying to finish as much as possible before school starts at the end of August. I really want my first draft to be done by the end of 2016. This will end in me getting started on my first round of edits and to a second draft.

Before I start a second draft I'm sending out two copies of the edited first draft to two of my greatest friends. I know people say family and friends wouldn't want to hurt my feelings, but trust me when I say they are harsh and they wouldn't let me not know, if it is horrible. I'm currently thinking on when to start the beta reader process, I'm trying to get as much research done on it before I get there. I was thinking after I'm done editing the second draft, but then I know some people have betas right along side you as your editing so they can help point out things too.  I would love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments.

I think of my biggest tips is to type in comments as you go long. I'm currently using Word 2016 and I can just add in a comments, but if don't have that tool add comments in a different font or color. Adding comments of different ideas or issues you are seeing as you go long will help you tons when your done with your first draft or even when you are trying to finish your first draft. For example, I notice I don't have any character depth in my characters, this note is leading me to work on character profiles. Another I thing I notice is that I'm doing more telling then showing, I made a note of that and I'm quickly trying to fix that. Everything that I'm learning now is going to help me in the future with other ideas of mine.

What are you guys working on for Camp NaNoWriMo? Is there any tips you would like to shout to me? Remember keep looking for your Once Upon A Time.

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